Donation of Individual Subscriptions Birdie MacLennan 25 Apr 1992 04:12 UTC

3 messages, 71 lines:

Date:         Fri, 24 Apr 1992 09:28:50 HST
From:         Sophia McMillen <SOPHIA@UHUNIX.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: Donation of Individual Subscriptions

Regarding donation of individual subscriptions:   Our library several years
ago made a blanket policy against accepting serials received via individual
faculty subscriptions mainly as a practical matter.  It's ultimately much
more expensive to have to monitor individual faculty as vendors when you need
to claim or inquire after the issues.  Thinking only in terms of individual
vs. institutional subscription rate turns out to be a false economy.

               Sophia McMillen   /   University of Hawaii at Manoa

Date:         Fri, 24 Apr 1992 16:02:33 LCL
From:         Vicki Stanton <VSTANTON@UNF1VM.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: Donation of Individual Subscriptions

I read the message about faculty donating subscriptions just after being
handed a collection of claims that need to be made to our faculty for
journals they donate to us.  I can not speak to any legal ramifications,
but I can attest to several problems that may develop.  Faculty may have
the best intents to give you every issue as soon as it is received, but
there will be times when they are on sabbatical, out of town, or find a
particular issue they want to keep.  Some of our faculty donate
association journals, but then decide not to renew a membership.  And,
of course, faculty move on to greener pastures and take their journals
with them.  We have faculty who give us their issues of association
journals, but we do not accept any titles which have separate
institutional charges.  (This is not because we have an official policy,
but because the issue has never arisen.)

We encourage people to make a cash donation to our Friends of the
Library Fund, and if they contribute the cost of a three year
subscription to a journal that meets the approval of the Serials
Selection Committee, we will then place it on subscription through
our vendor.  This ensures that the journal comes directly to the library.

Vicki Stanton                  (904) 646-2550 : SUNCOM 861-2550
Serials Department                             FAX 904-646-2719
University of North Florida Library              P.O. Box 16761
4567 St. Johns Bluff Road, South         Jacksonville, FL 32216

Date:         Fri, 24 Apr 1992 17:27:06 -0500
From:         "Anne E. McKee" <ICAEM@ASUACAD.BITNET>
Subject:      Donation of Individual Subscriptions.

 I know for a fact this has been discussed in both the _Newsletter on Serials
 Pricing Issues_ and ACQNET so perhaps either Marcia or Christian could
 summarize. (Matter of fact-I think I was on the respondents to the query on
 the Newsletter.) Anyway, I would strongly urge a VERY careful examination of
 this policy. Some publishers print "FOR INDIVIDUAL USE ONLY" on the front of
 individual subscriber's copies. I think we've all heard horror stories
 (whether true or part of urban folklore) about libraries getting into legal
 problems if the publishers realize the libraries have been "double dipping" so
 to speak. There are also ethical questions to consider. I am personally and
 professionally opposed to this practice. What do other SERIALST readers think?

 Anne E. McKee   Bibliographic Services Librarian  ASU-West
 (602) 543-8541

Ed. note:  This is the first time that this particular discussion has
come up on SERIALST.  Somewhat tangentially, however, there are several
messages regarding *Gift Policies* that are retrievable from the
September 1991 logs.  -- Birdie