Bindery Complaints Birdie MacLennan 24 Apr 1992 22:29 UTC

2 messages, 29 lines:
Date:         Fri, 24 Apr 1992 15:35:00 EDT
From:         kamala narayanan <NARAYANA@QUCDN.QUEENSU.CA>
Subject:      bindery problems

         We are on the NOTIS system.  We have 15 library locations
         that send all items through the serials section. If there is
         a rush request for a volume before it has been entered online,
         it may only require a couple of phone calls to locate the item.
         After the volume is entered online it is then charged out to
         the commercial binder. At this stage the patron can request
         a rush recall and put a hold on the volume just like any book.
         Our turn around time is 3 weeks. We are comfortable with this
         arrangement. We can request our binder to rush items at
         anytime. We do not want to push for too fast a turn around time.
         Since binding a book requires a lot of manual dexterity, a
         hurried job may result in an appalling quality of workmanship.

Date:         Fri, 24 Apr 1992 16:21:58 -0400
From:         kingsley@GW.WMICH.EDU
Subject:      Re: Bindery Complaints

Thanks to all SERIALST subscribers who responded to my request
for suggestions about bindery problems and perceptions.  I hope
the responses were helpful to others as well as to me.

Marcie Kingsley
Head, Acquisitions and Serials
Western Michigan University