Staffing in Serials Depts. ERCELAA@VUCTRVAX.BITNET 31 Mar 1992 17:00 UTC

Date: Tue, 31 Mar 1992 10:50:48 EST
Subject: RE: Staffing in Serials Depts.

1. One person checks in; another stamps and shelves.
2. 1,725 current subscriptions
3. No govt. docs.

>Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1992 09:22:01 PST
>From: Elena Romaniuk <ENGIN@UVVM.UVIC.CA>
>Subject: staffing in Serials Depts.
>I would like to find out how many staff handle the check-in of currently
>received serials in various institutions. I am using the term serials to
>include all kinds of serial publications.
>If possible,  I would like to  have answers to the  following questions:
>1. The number of staff who handle current check-in?
>2. The number of currently received serials handled by that number of people?
>3. Are government documents included in the above, or are they handled by
>   another department?
>I would be happy to summarize the results of my query for the Serials List.
>Thanks for your help.
>Elena Romaniuk
>University of Victoria, McPherson Library
>Victoria, B.C., Canada
>(604) 721-8261     BITNET:   ENGIN@UVVM   Internet:   ENGIN@UVVM.UVic.CA