----------------------------Original message---------------------------- NORTH AMERICAN SERIALS INTEREST GROUP June 18-21, 1992 University of Illinois, Chicago We are pleased to bring you information about the Seventh Annual NASIG Conference. This conference features a shared program with the SSP, Society for Scholarly Publishing, and gives librarians the opportunity both to meet and to network informally with the publishing community, a significant partner in the "serials information chain." This is a first-time event and both organizations are excited by the energizing & excellent program, discussion, and vision that will ensue. We believe this will be THE scholarly communications meeting of the early 90s. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS EXTRAORDINARY MEETING Programs and full details will be mailed to all NASIG members by the end of March. For further information or to register, please contact: James Mouw, Chair, Local Arrangements 929 N. Belleforte Oak Park, IL 60302 Phone: 312-702-8767 Fax: 312-702-0853 e-mail: mouw@midway.uchicago.edu OR Elaine Rast, Registrar 304 Forsythe Lane DeKalb, IL 60115 Phone: 815-753-9854 Fax: 815-753-2003 e-mail: C60ekrl@NIU.bitnet THEME: IF WE BUILD IT: SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES NASIG Program Committee, 1992 Conference: Mary Beth Clack Cindy Hepfer October Ivins Teresa Malinowski Ann Weller Patricia Scarry, SSP Program Chair and NASIG Liaison Ann Okerson, Program Chair SCHEDULE: Thursday, June 18, 1992 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Electronic Networking Workshop, Conducted by Birdie MacLennan, Chair, NASIG Electronic Communications Committee and ListOwner, SERIALST (LIMIT: 50 people by advance registration) 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Opening reception/dinner 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Opening festivities and welcome 8:30 - 9:30 p.m. NASIG Annual General Meeting Friday, June 19, 1992 8:45 - 12:00 noon NASIG PLENARY SESSION I, features: Clifford A. Lynch, Director, Library Automation, University of California, Office of the President: "Entwined: transforming scholarly communications and libraries in the age of networked information" James J. O'Donnell, Professor of Classics, University of Pennsylvania: "St. Augustine to NREN: the tree of knowledge and how it grows" Julia Blixrud, Program Officer, Council on Library Resources, Washington, DC: "Webs that Link Libraries, Librarians, and Information: evolving technical standards for a networking age" Anita Lowry, Director, Electronic Text Service, Columbia University Libraries: "Landlords and Tenants: who owns electronic information, who pays for it, and how?" 2:00 - 3:30 NASIG Workshops Set I 4:00 - 5:30 NASIG Workshops Set II 5:30 - 6:30 Informal Discussion Groups Night on the town; CHICAGO WHITE SOX Saturday, June 20, 1992 - JOINT MEETINGS, NASIG & SSP 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. NASIG Workshops Set I (repeat) 9:45 - 10:45 a.m. JOINT SESSION, NASIG and SSP, features: Charles, Reed, Chancellor, State University System of Florida, "Higher Education in the 90s: growth, regression, or status quo." 11:15 - 12:30 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS I, Choose from EIGHT 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS II, Choose from EIGHT Willard McCarty, Assistant Director, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, University of Toronto: "A Potency of Life: scholarship in an electronic age" Evening: Joint NASIG/SSP Reception at the The Mid-America Club Sunday, June 21, 1992 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. NASIG Workshops Set II (repeat) 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. NASIG PLENARY II, features: Karen Schmidt, Head, Acquisitions Systems, University of Illinois: "Professionals or Profession-less, Information Engineers or ???: transforming technical services librarianship." Gary Brown, Regional Manager, Faxon, "From Past Imperfects to Future Perfects," Conference Wrap-up Session --- NASIG/SSP CONCURRENT SESSIONS will give an opportunity to choose from two of the following eight: NEW STRATEGIES FOR PUBLISHING: Robert Bovenschulte, New England Journal of Medicine Maria L. Lebron, On-Line Journal of Current Clinical Trials (Patricia Scarry, Convener) PRICE STUDIES: WHY AND HOW: Deana Astle, Clemson University Libraries Lynn Fortney, EBSCO Subscription Services (Barbara Meyers, Convener) COPYRIGHT AND LICENSING IN THE ELECTRONIC ENVIRONMENT Sanford Thatcher, Pennsylvania State University Press Anita Lowry, Electronic Text Service, Columbia University (Ann Okerson, Convener) PRESERVATION: FUTURE STRATEGIES FOR RETAINING THE PAST Jan Merrill-Oldham, University of Connecticut David Cohen, College of Charleston (John Tagler, Convener) REGIONAL LIBRARY NETWORKING: NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR SERVING SCHOLARSHIP Jim Neal, Indiana University Barbara Von Wahlde, SUNY Buffalo (Cindy Hepfer, Convener) Z39.1 - LIBRARIANS AND A PUBLISHER DISCUSS THE STANDARD FOR PERIODICALS FORMAT AND ARRANGEMENT Regina Reynolds, Library of Congress Nina Kramer, American Society of Civil Engineers Minna Saxe, CUNY (Sylvia Martin, Convener) MARKETING TO LIBRARIES: WHAT WORKS? Nan Hudes, Martindale-Hubbell Vicky Reich, Stanford University (October Ivins, Convener) ARTICLE DELIVERY: AN ALTERNATIVE TO OWNERSHIP? Anna McKee, Arizona State university, West Campus Martha Lewis, Abbott Laboratories (Daniel Jones, Convener) --- NASIG WORKSHOPS will give a chance to attend four of the following 18 offerings: -Alternatives in serials cataloguing, organization and workflow -Automating binding procedures, using INNOVACQ vs. in-house -The footbone's connected to the anklebone, or enumeration, checking-in and labelling instructions -Game shows, elevators, full plates: a look at LC subject headings -The changing role of the vendor: developing new products and services -Check-in with the SISAC symbol: implementation and uses for libraries, publishers, and automation vendors -Publishing opportunities: getting into print or getting involved -Fine-tuning the claims process -Basic training for survival on the frontlines -Cataloguing serial computer files -Working together for the future: librarian/publisher/agency -Role and responsibilities of the professional serials cataloguer -How to plan and deliver a great workshop -Fewer subscriptions = increased ILL services -Managing "pseudoserials" -Collection development assessment for biomedical serials -Auditing the automated serials control system -Cost-effectiveness of claiming and replacing journal issues --- CONFERENCE FEES: (a partial listing follows; contact Elaine Rast or Jim Mouw for additional information) Residential rate, Single: US $275.00 Residential rate, Double: US $225.00 (Wednesday and Sunday night accommodations, extra) Non-residential Rate: Full Conference, US $175.00 Thursday, US $45.00 Friday, US $90.00 Saturday, US $90.00 Sunday, US $45.00 Baseball tickets: US $20.00 each --- REGISTRATION DEADLINE is May 25th, 1992, although later registrations may be possible upon application.