Electronic journals in libraries GMCMILLA@VTVM1.BITNET 03 Mar 1992 19:19 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I recently heard from an electronic journal editor that he expected libraries
to print his journal and put it on their shelves along with traditional jour-
nals.  I was shocked!  The advantages of e-journals include not having to
label, bind, security strip, and shelve them.

Do other e-journal editors expect libraries to be bound by past practices and
traditional formats?

Has anybody else heard from e-journal editors about how they think libraries
should handle electronic publications?

.........................Gail McMillan........................
___....____________......Serials Team Leader..................
\  \../  ___   ___/.........University Libraries VPI&SU.......
.\  \/  /../  /.............Blacksburg, VA - (703) 231-9252...
..\    /../  /..............FAX (703) 231-3694................
...\  /../  /.................................................