Internet Mar 3 nercomp@DARTMOUTH.EDU 20 Feb 1992 20:50 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
NERComP Navigating the Internet (A Hands-On Workshop)
Tuesday, March 3, 1992 - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Clark University, Worcester, MA
University Center Executive Conference Room North

An introduction and presentation of the capabilities and utilities involved
when "Navigating the Internet."

Jerry Olson, Director of Information Systems, and Steve Vieira, Manager of
the Information Resource Center, from Clark University will discuss,
demonstrate, and propose various methods for supporting the Internet set of
user tools as applied in a smaller university/college context.
A.  Overview of Internet

The Internet Network is a composite of many regional organizations that bring
together the resources of commercial, government, and educational
institutions with the common goal of sharing and processing information.  The
network "web" of attached sites and their individual nodes is constantly
expanding as the list of interested organizations join this international

B.  Where Do You Start?

An often asked question is "How do I get started with Internet and where do I
begin?"  The "whys" and "wheres" are explained in an overview presentation
while also demonstrating potential user applications such as electronic
communication throughout the world, information gathering from a number of
different interest lists, and collaborative work on particular projects with
colleagues from distant locations who have access to the networks
C.Internet Mail

 From using the WHOIS DDN listing of usernames at different nodes, to
accessing non-Internet sites such as CompuServe, or from enrolling on the
Freenet system to a discussion of listservers and how to identify where to
find what, this session will involve hands-on action for everyone involved.
At the conclusion of this session, each participant will be expected to log
into an account and be able to utilize WHOIS DDN, electronic mail, and

D.  File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Participants in this session will learn to access several FTP sites, GET
files, move from directory to directory, "exploring" the specific node on
which they are logged.  The primary focus will be on what kinds of materials
are available at these FTP sites, how you can tell what might be the contents
of a given file, and how to download and use them, including the
Decompressing and Unzipping methods that can be employed.  As a part of this
demonstration, the McGill University server mechanism, Archie, will also be
displayed with a demonstration of its functionality.

E.  TELNET (Remote Logons)

The demonstration will include connecting to
a variety of library systems both national and international.  Campus-wide
information systems will be explained and demonstrated.  Participants will be
expected to learn how to TELNET into a site, access a library system, and
find a particular reference.  Participants will also be expected to learn how
to use a campus-wide information system and search through one of these
programs.  Another useful tool that will be demonstrated for each user will
be the ability to log into their own site when traveling off campus.
Supercomputer access will also be discussed.

F.  Hands On Sessions

Everything will be supported by hands-on access

Registration for Internet Navigation Workshop
March 3, 1992 at Clark University



Prepaid Registration Fee
NERComP Members with Conference Option $120.00
NERComP Members $150.00

Make check payable to:  "NERComP" and mail seven (7) days prior to conference
date to:  NERComP, Inc., 350 Lincoln Street, Hingham, MA  02043  * (617)
740-0001.  For information call, Robert Gibbs, President. EM is