Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1992 12:53:43 LCL
Subject: NASIG conference grant awards
The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is an independent
organization bringing together many segments of the serials information chain
to study and explore common interests, problems, and ideas. NASIG is currently
seeking candidates for grants to attend its Seventh Annual Conference to be
held at the University of Illinois at Chicago, June 18 to 21, 1992. Through
the granting of these awards, NASIG desires to encourage participation in this
information chain by students who are interested in some aspect of serials
work upon completion of their professional degree.
SCOPE OF AWARD: Recipients are expected to attend the entire conference and
submit a brief written report to NASIG. Expenses for travel, registration,
meals and lodging will be paid by NASIG.
ELIGIBILITY: Students who are currently enrolled in any ALA-accredited library
school, who do not already have an ALA-accredited degree, and who have
expressed an interest in serials and/or technical services work, are eligible.
Applicants must be full or part-time students at the time of application. In
order to accept an award, a recipient must not be employed in a position
requiring an ALA-accredited degree, nor on leave from such a position, at the
time of acceptance of the grant. Equal consideration will be given to all
qualified applicants, with preference given to those graduating the year of
the conference.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Application forms will be available after February 1,
1992, in ALA-accredited library schools and from Harriet Kersey, Chair,
Library Science Student Grant Committee. Completed applications should be sent
to Harriet Kersey, Head, Serials Cataloging, Georgia Tech Library, Atlanta,
Georgia 30332-0900. Telephone number: (404) 894-4523.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 1, 1992. Applications received after this date
will not be considered.
AWARD NOTIFICATION: Award recipients will be notified by April 15, 1992. A
maximum of six grants may be awarded for 1992.