Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1992 17:47:13 LCL From: Rhonda L. Neugebauer <IDRLN@ASUACAD> Subject: Transborder Library Forum Conference Announcement SECOND TRANSBORDER LIBRARY FORUM/FORO BINACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS ANNOUNCED FOR MARCH 20-21, 1992 IN HERMOSILLO, MEXICO The Second Transborder Library Forum will be held on Friday and Saturday, March 20-21, 1992 in Hermosillo, Mexico. All interested librarians and others are encouraged to attend. The objective of this meeting is to create an atmosphere for networking and information-sharing among library professionals and staff from the U.S. and Mexico, and to make recommendations for improving joint international activities, projects and exchanges. An additional emphasis will be the impact of the Free Trade Agreement. The conference will have four keynote speakers addressing several themes of interest to librarians: the role of professional associations in international exchange relations, the process of enrichment of our multicultural sensibilities, international exchange possibilities between Mexico and the U.S., and the U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement and its impact on the Mexican publishing industry. The speakers include: Dr. Jesus Lau Noriega (Instituto Tecnologico de Durango), Sheila Milam (University of Nevada, Reno), Margarita Almada de Asencio (CICH-UNAM), Robert Seal (University of Texas at El Paso), Surya Peniche de Sanchez McGregor (President of AMBAC), and Alfredo Verdugo (President of CNB). Discussion table themes include: international librarianship and exchanges, resource sharing, marketing of libraries, preservation and conservation, shared cataloging, library education, new information technology, collection development for linguistic minorities, rural librarianship and strategic planning. This Forum is co-sponsored by five professional organizations: the Asociacion Sonorense de Bibliotecarios, A.C./Sonoran Librarians Association with the Arizona State Library Association, the American Library Association, U.S. Mexico Committee, the Asociacion Mexicana de Bibliotecarios/Mexican Librarians Association, and the Colegio Nacional de Bibliotecarios/National Librarians College. The conference proceedings from the 1991 conference, held in Nogales, Arizona, have been published by ASLA and will be available at the second Forum. The program and pre-registration forms are included below. ************************************************************************ II FORO BINACIONAL DE BIBLIOTECAS/II TRANSBORDER LIBRARY FORUM SOLICITUD DE INSCRIPCION/REGISTRATION FORM Nombre/Name_________________________________________________________ Puesto/Title:_______________________________________________________ Institucion/Institution:_____________________________________________ Direccion/Address:___________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ FAX TELEPHONE Cuota de Inscripcion (unicamente cheque or giro postal) Registration fee (only check or money order) Participantes mexicanos/Mexican participantes: $25.00 Dlls. Participantes norteamericanos/US participants: $50.00 Dlls. Estudiantes y bibliotecarios jubilados/Students and retired librarians: $10.00 Dlls. (Nota: los exhibidores tienen registro y cuota adicional/Note: Exhibitors have an additional form and fee) Por favor enviar su solicitud de registro y cuota de inscripcion antes del 28 de febrero a: /Please send registration form before Feb. 28, 1992 to: Marianna Hancin, ASLA Treasurer Glendale Public Library 5959 W. Brown Street Glendale, AZ 85302 You may also register at the conference, but please note that on site regis- tration fees will be U.S. $60.00 payable in traveller's checks or cash only. Hotel reservations (appended below) should be send directly to the hotel. For further information about this conference please contact: Rhonda L. Neugebauer Latin American Area Specalist Hayden Library, Reference Services Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85283 bitnet: idrln@asuacad internet: FAX: (602) 965-9169 ************************************************************************* HOTEL RESERVATION FORM--HOLIDAY INN, HERMOSILLO, MEXICO (March 20-21, 1992) Name:_____________________________________________ Institution:______________________________________ Address:__________________________________________ Tel:_________________ __________________________________________________ Arrival Date:______________________________ Arrival Time:______________________________ Departure Date:____________________________ Accomodation desired: Single_____________________ Double_____________________ Price for single or double: $220,000 pesos plus 10% federal tax Credit cards accepted: American Express, Diners Club, Carnet, Visa, MasterCard, Banamex, Bancomer. Credit card number for reservation:______________________________________ Deposit authorized:_______________________________________________________ Check-in: 3:00 pm Check-out: 1:00 pm Please fill out this form and return to Holiday Inn before March 2, 1992, Sales and Reservations Department at Sonora, Mexico. FAX (62) 15-57-21. Holiday Inn, Blvd. Eusebio Kino No. 369, Col. Lomas Pitic, C,P. 83-1- Hermosillo, Sonora Mexico **************************************************************************** Transportation possibilities: Tres Estrellas de Oro, luxury bus service between Nogales and Hermosillo. The service is called Servicio Plus Ejecutivo. To make reservations call the company at (01152631) 21045 in Nogales, or (015262) 132416 in Hermosillo. Cost is $30,000 pesos, or about $10.00 US. Rhonda L. Neugebauer Latin American Area Specialist FAX: (602) 965-9169 Arizona State University BITNET: IDRLN@ASUACAD (602) 965-4904 INTERNET: IDRLN@ASUVM.INRE.ASU.ED