serials cancellation Lila Heilbrunn 14 Jan 1992 15:10 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
At the University of Western Ontario we are involved in a serials cancellation
project.  In the Taylor Library, which serves the Faculties of Medicine
Dentistry Applied Health Science and Nursing as well as the entire
Science Faculty, we will have to cancel about $280,000 in this library
alone.  This will force us to cancel many Reference items.
I am trying to decide which indexes and abstracts we can afford to
give up.  Have any of you gone through this process?  How have you
made your decisions?

Sometimes is is very difficult or almost impossible to compare
the journal coverage - most titles are heavily used.  What
criteria have you applied.

Lila Heilbrunn
Head Reference/Online Services
Allyn and Betty Taylor Library
University of Western Ontario
London Canada N6A 5B7