Re: Leonardo Marcia Tuttle 07 Jan 1992 13:58 UTC

Date:         Tue, 7 Jan 1992 08:49:23 -0500
From:         "Erika C. Linke" <el08+%ANDREW.CMU.EDU@CARNEGIE>
Subject:      Re: Leonardo

<<Did you happen to question Pergamon to see if future issues of
Leonardo Music Journal would be included in the subsription price of
Leonardo? >>

Answer:  I did ask them this question and the answer is
that AT THIS TIME (my highlight), the subscription to the Leonardo
Music Journal comes with Leonardo.  However, one can
also order the Leonardo Music Journal separately as
a "special issue".

But like you I am sceptical about the duration
of this arrangement and wonder how long before it
becomes a second subscription.

Erika Linke
Carnegie Mellon University