An uploading/OCLC union list inquiry Marcia Tuttle 06 Jan 1992 21:41 UTC

From:         Gaele Gillespie <GGILLESP@UKANVM>
Subject:      An uploading/OCLC union list inquiry

If all of you "in the know" would be so kind as to respond directly to
me, I will then be happy to summarize the responses for the discussion
list.  My personal e-mail address is listed below.

The question:  Is anyone out there currently uploading serial records
from your serials holdings system or online catalog to a union list on
OCLC?  If you are, then please let me know who you are, your institutional
affiliation, address, and phone number, so that we can reach you in order
to obtain further details.   -- Thanks in advance for your assistance.

E. Gaele Gillespie/Asst. Head, Serials      University of Kansas Libraries
(913)864-3535   e-mail (BITNET): GGILLESP@UKANVM     Lawrence, KS 66045-2800