Summer (North) Winter (South)? Marcia Tuttle 20 Dec 1991 14:46 UTC

Date:         Fri, 20 Dec 1991 08:41:00 GMT
From:         "John Radencich,
              Library Cataloging Dept." <RADENCIC@SERVAX.BITNET>
Subject:      Summer (North) Winter (South)?

It's really very easy, at least thanks to AACR2, with its insistence of
recording information as it appears on the piece.  Simply, to repeat,
record the date as it appears on the piece.  As for coding it according to
MARC format, well, you can just say you live in the North (or South) and
code accordingly.  True, these are the things that can cause us fits if we
let them.  Just don't let them.

John Radencich
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33199