Re: Captions in Volume Holdings BMACLENN@UVMVM.BITNET 09 Dec 1991 16:40 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Mon, 9 Dec 1991 09:19:00 +1000 <BLACKG@TOPAZ.UCQ.EDU.AU> said:
>what does MFHD mean?

Sorry for not being more specific.
I used MFHD to refer to:   USMARC Format for Holdings Data ... /
prepared by Network Development and MARC Standards Office. -- Washington,
DC : Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, 1989-
I thought MFHD was the updated acronym for MFHL (or MARC Format for
Holdings and Locations), which was the title of an earlier version
(1984?) of this work.  Thanks to Susan Davis for reminding me of the
relationship of this documentation to the ANSI Z39.44-1986 standard!

Birdie MacLennan
University of Vermont