Arrangement of Current Display A
Josephine.Williamson@MVS.UDEL.EDU 15 Nov 1991 14:55 UTC
Joyce: The University of Delaware fights this every couple of years, so I
sympathize with your dilemma. We have current periodicals arranged by main
entry -- mostly title. Once bound, they are shelved by LC call number in the
main stacks. Two years ago, we fought a demand by the Math faculty to change
our current periodicals arrangement to call number order. We did a test check
in day, with half of the day's titles checked as usual and half checked in
with the call number written on the cover. Needless to say, writing the call
number tripled, yes tripled, the check in time! We also used the argument
that we are primarily an undergraduate institution and undergraduates look for
titles when they browse periodicals. We won that round. Hope this helps.
Josie Williamson, Coordinator of Serials, Delaware