re: Arrangement of Current Display Area Donnice=Cochenour%Acquis%Libraries@VINES.COLOSTATE.EDU 14 Nov 1991 20:22 UTC

Arrangement of Current Display Area --

At Colorado State University Libraries we have a new current periodicals room
with the last two years of loose issues shelved by call number.  We too had a
minor faculty uprising when we moved into the room because before, the loose
issues had been arranged in three broad subject areas by title.  We asked RLG
libraries to respond to a message much like yours and found that the split
between call number and title arrangement was approximately 50-50.

Our bound volumes are intershelved with monographs by call number.  Microforms
are also by call number.

Donnice Cochenour
Serials Librarian
Colorado State University Libraries
Ft. Collins, CO.