New subscriptions for cencelled
John Radencich, Library Cataloging Dept. 14 Nov 1991 09:10 UTC
From: SERVAX::RADENCIC "John Radencich, Library Cataloging Dept." 14-NOV-1
991 08:46:11.65
Subj: New subscriptions for cancelled
Our library occasionally does this in times of budget crisis, partly as a
means of incentive for faculty to relinquish old titles, partly as a means
of redoing the collection, mostly as a means of saving money by paring back.
However this is done only occasionally (one or two times in the past ten
years). We were going to do it this year, except our budget situation was so
bad we could only cancel, not add! Anyway, it is up to the departments to
decide what goes and what comes new in their place.
Oh, in case I didn't make it clear, when we did change new for old, we had
to get rid of two old for one new, or some similar portionality, depending
on how much needed to be cut.