Conference announcement - UKSG 1992 Peter Walsh 14 Nov 1991 09:32 UTC


The United Kingdom Serials Group will be holding its 1992 Conference at
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, from 30 March to 2 April.  Over 300
delegates - including librarians, subscription agents, publishers and system
suppliers - regularly attend the UKSG Conference, which is accompanied by a
large exhibition.

The Conference's keynote address will be given by John Maddox, editor of the
journal Nature.  Altogether there will be 14 conference papers, spanning a
wide range of serials-related topics such as : networking databases, alterna-
tive access to serials information, and newspapers on CD-ROM.

The programme will include:

     * a selection of 11 workshops
     * a panel of experts
     * a major exhibition
     * Conference dinner
     * Civic reception
     * UKSG AGM
     * reception for "first-time" delegates
     * sponsored places
     * Scottish dancing
     * choice of visits e.g. The Royal Botanic Garden
                             The Scotsman newspaper
                             Riley Dunn & Wilson, binders

Costs:    Full residential member            140 pounds
          Full residential non-member        165 pounds
          Day visitor (Tuesday)               50 pounds
          Day visitor (Wednesday or Thursday) 35 pounds

For further information about the UKSG 1992 Conference please contact:

               Mrs Jill Tolson
               UK Serials Group Administrator
               114 Woodstock Road
               OX8 6DY

               Tel: 0993 703466
               Fax: 0993 778879