Re: A special publication from the publisher of <Newsweek> WILSONJP@VUCTRVAX.BITNET 11 Nov 1991 23:15 UTC

On the special Disney World publication put out by Newsweek:

I think technically you should treat this as a monograph.  The "Fall/Winter
1991" seems to be meaningless as a designation, since it doesn't appear likely
that there will be more issues of this.  Put it in a 500.  You can have an
added entry of:  730:01: Newsweek. $p Special issue, probably along with a
quoted note including some of the explanation you quoted.  Or, since they seem
not to want us to think it's an issue of Newsweek at all, you might just use a
730 to indicate Newsweek is an "author," again with quoted note.

This may not be the most practical solution.  But it's an alternative to either
throwing the thing out or arbitrarily picking a place for it in a Newsweek
bound volume.

/ Pete Wilson                        /            Bitnet:             /
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