The Smithsonian Libraries is beginning to plan for automated serials control. W
e would like the benefit of your experience in automating serials. Specifically
, in current issue check-in and in converting retrospective holdings. Your resp
onses to the following questions will be appreciated.
1. Does your system use the USMARC Format for Holdings Data (MFHD) for catalog
display or check-in?
2. How many records for currently received titles do you have on-line?
How many records for non-current titles?
3. How long did it take to create these records?
4. How many and what level staff are/were employed for record creation?
5. How long does it take to create one check-in record?
6. What was the cost of creating one check-in/holdings record?
How did you determine this cost?
7. Are you willing to share any documentation for procedures or methodology for
on-line serial record creation and/or for retrospective conversion of serials
in terms of manuals, worksheets, work-flow charts, etc.?
8. May we contact you for further information?
Thank you in advance for your response.
Lucien Rossignol, Assistant Chief, Acquisitions LIBEM004@SIVM
Margaret Sealor, Serials Cataloger LIBEM027@SIVM