Kathy Schmidt 25 Oct 1991 14:20 UTC
I was hoping that you were going to ask about a different
problem with that title. We received supplement 561 with the
new title (European journal of surgery), then supplement 562
with the old title (Acta chirurgica scandinavica) and then
supplement 563 with the new title again. In your posting I
think you got your OCLC numbers mixed. #23657406 is the record for
the parent title cataloged by NLM. #24525884 is the EUN record for
the supplement's new title. Unfortunately, NLM has not cataloged
the supplement's new title yet. I personally was going to wait for
a little while to see if one showed up but I definitely think the
supplement will be European journal of surgery supplement and not
Acta ...
As far as check-in goes, our Serials Senior Assistant handles
these things with no problem. It is the shelvers who have to
figure out which title to shelve under that usually have the
problems. (We underline the correct title to shelve under to
help them out).
Kathy Schmidt
Ruth Lilly Medical Library
Indiana University