Re: MEDICAL JOURNAL TITLE Bill Drew -- Serials Librarian 25 Oct 1991 14:16 UTC

I agree whole heartedly with Steve Murden.  I do not remember the
name of the librarian that sent the original message but I bet no
one calls that person "boy" or "girl".  When such words are used
in exchanges here or in the "real" world, people donot look at the
information the sender is triing to get across.  Plus, this shows
a definite and probably subconscious disrespect for onesself and

Wilfred Drew (call me "BILL")
Serials/Reference/Computers Librarian
SUNY College of Agriculture & Technology
P.O. Box 902
Morrisville, NY 13408-0902
Bitnet:  drewwe@snymorva    SUNYNET(DECnet): smorva::drewwe
Voice:   315-684-6055       Fax:  315-684-6115