Re: 3 Questions Susan Davis 12 Sep 1991 20:05 UTC

On Thu, 12 Sep 1991 11:56:00 CDT Marsha Skoman, Cowles Library said:
>1.  Does anyone have a recommendation for a good Japanese newspaper that
>our Japanese students would enjoy having at the library?
We subscribe (and have for many years) to Yomiuri Shimbun (cost $498).Its
It comes from New York. I don't know if the students enjoy it much, but
since we are and have been maintaining the not-so-cheap subscription,
it must have some value.

>2.  Has anyone figured out an effective way to communicate to patrons
>that some paper copy journals have microform fill-ins or back runs?
>I can think of three ways: a. put the information on book dummies (which
>takes an investment to buy the things), b. use flags (which get lost),
>or c. educate users to *ask for help* if they are unable to find what
>they want.
If the entire backfile is on micro, we have a note added to the label
at the current periodicals area which says essentially: older vols.
in micrif... at Mic-1 or Mic-9 LC call no.  We don't make any cross
references in our OPAC, each format is a separate copy on one bib
record. (We use NOTIS)

Susan Davis/Head, Periodicals/University at Buffalo

>3.  We are automating our collection using DRA.  I would appreciate it
>if a few serials librarians would volunteer to be a resource for the
>questions I would like to ask of someone who has used DRA in a real, live
>library situation.  (You can message me personally on this one.)
>Thank you!!
>Marsha Skoman                       TEL: (515) 271-2941
>Serials Librarian                   FAX: (515) 271-3933
>Drake University                    Bitnet: MS6621R@DRAKE
>2507 University Ave                 Internet: MS6621R@ACAD.DRAKE.EDU
>Des Moines IA  50311-4505           ;-)