NASIG Call for Papers PETERSON@UCRVMS.BITNET 27 Aug 1991 21:57 UTC


                                 CALL FOR PAPERS
                               CALL FOR WORKSHOPS

     The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG), an
organization committed to serving the interests of all members of
the serials information chain, will hold its seventh annual
conference from June 18-21, 1992, at the University of Illinois
at Chicago.  NASIG's annual conference provides a forum in which
serials librarians, publishers, vendors, educators, binders,
systems developers, and other specialists exchange views, present
new ideas and discuss matters of current interest.  The
proceedings are published and distributed to a wide     audience.

     This is a call for PAPERS treating any aspect of serials
activities such as administration, acquisitions, cataloging,
automation, binding, union listing, budgeting, publishing, and
future developments.  Topics addressing interrelationships
between the various NASIG constituencies are of special interest,
as are presentations on new developments and new paradigms for
the dissemination and control of the serial literature.

     The 1992 conference will include a one-day joint session
with the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP).  This represents
a unique opportunity for papers on the specific topics of:  the
National Research and Education Network (NREN); Marketing to
Libraries; University Overheads and their relationship to
Libraries; Custom Publishing and Publishing on Demand; Document
and Article Delivery Services -- Implications for Libraries,
Vendors and Publishers.

     This is also the call for abstracts from individuals
interested in leading a WORKSHOP at the conference.  Workshops
are sessions designed to develop ideas and techniques for
managing any aspect of serials work.  Related to workshops, NASIG
is also calling for DISCUSSION GROUP topics and leaders to
stimulate lively exchanges, particularly about links between
librarians, publishers and vendors.

    Submission from all members of NASIG and the serials
community are welcome.  Topic and speaker suggestions from the
information community at large are also welcome.  Titles and
abstracts, to a maximum of 100 words, must be submitted by
OCTOBER 1, 1991 to:

                                   Lisa Peterson
                                   NASIG Secretary
                                   Univ. of California/LIBRARY
                                   P.O. Box 5900
                                   Riverside, CA 92517-5900
                                   Phone:  714-787-4381
                                   FAX:  714-787-3285
                                   BITNET:  peterson@UCRVMS