Special Issue on Network-Based Electronic Serials Charles Bailey, University of Houston 27 Aug 1991 17:28 UTC

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             The Public-Access Computer Systems Review

Volume 2, Number 1 (1991)                         ISSN 1048-6542

Editor-In-Chief:    Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
                    University of Houston

Associate Editors:  Columns: Leslie Pearse, OCLC
                    Communications: Dana Rooks, University of
                    Reviews: Mike Ridley, University of Waterloo

Editorial Board:    Walt Crawford, Research Libraries Group
                    Nancy Evans, Library and Information
                      Technology Association
                    David R. McDonald, Tufts University
                    R. Bruce Miller, University of California,
                      San Diego
                    Paul Evan Peters, Coalition for Networked
                    Peter Stone, University of Sussex

Published on an irregular basis by the University Libraries,
University of Houston.  Technical support is provided by the
Information Technology Division, University of Houston.
Circulation: 2,685 subscribers in 32 countries.

Editor's Address:   Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
                    University Libraries
                    University of Houston
                    Houston, TX 77204-2091
                    (713) 749-4241

Articles are stored as files at LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.  To retrieve a
file, send the GET command given after the article information to
LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.  To retrieve the article as an e-mail message
instead of a file, add "F=MAIL" to the end of the GET command.

Back issues are also stored at LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.  To obtain a
list of all available files, send the following message to
LISTSERV@UHUPVM1: INDEX PACS-L.  The name of each issue's table
of contents file begins with the word "CONTENTS."

Note that all of the above e-mail addresses are on BITNET.  The
list server also has an Internet address:

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The Electronic Journal: What, Whence, and When?
  Ann Okerson (pp. 5-24)

    To retrieve this file: GET OKERSON PRV2N1

Online Journals: Disciplinary Designs for Electronic Scholarship
  Teresa M. Harrison, Timothy Stephen, and James Winter
  (pp. 25-38)

     To retrieve this file: GET HARRISON PRV2N1

Post-Gutenburg Galaxy: The Fourth Revolution in the Means of
Production of Knowledge
  Stevan Harnad (pp. 39-53)

     To retrieve this file: GET HARNAD PRV2N1

The Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research
  Lon Savage (pp. 54-66)

     To retrieve this file: GET SAVAGE PRV2N1

Postmodern Culture: Publishing in the Electronic Medium
  Eyal Amiran and John Unsworth (pp. 67-76)

     To retrieve this file:  GET AMIRAN PRV2N1

New Horizons in Adult Education: The First Five Years (1987-1991)
  Jane Hugo and Linda Newell (pp. 77-90)

     To retrieve this file:  GET HUGO PRV2N1

EJournal: An Account of the First Two Years
  Edward M. Jennings (pp. 91-110)

     To retrieve this file: GET JENNINGS PRV2N1

The Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
  Marcia Tuttle (pp. 111-127)

     To retrieve this file: GET TUTTLE PRV2N1

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How to Start and Manage a BITNET LISTSERV Discussion Group: A
  Beginner's Guide
  Diane Kovacs, Willard McCarty, and Michael Kovacs (pp. 128-143)

     To retrieve this file: GET KOVACS PRV2N1

Providing Data Services for Machine-Readable Information in
  an Academic Library: Some Levels of Service
  Jim Jacobs (pp. 144-160)

     To retrieve this file: GET JACOBS PRV2N1


Public-Access Provocations: An Informal Column
  Depth vs. Breadth: Enhancement and Retrospective Conversion
  Walt Crawford (pp. 161-163)

     To retrieve this file: GET CRAWFORD PRV2N1

Recursive Reviews
  Copyright, Digital Media, and Libraries
  Martin Halbert (pp. 164-170)

     To retrieve this file: GET HALBERT PRV2N1


Libraries, Networks and OSI: A Review, with a Report on
  North American Developments
  Reviewed by Clifford A. Lynch (pp. 171-176)

     To retrieve this file: GET LYNCH PRV2N1

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The User's Directory of Computer Networks
  Reviewed by Dave Cook (pp. 177-181)

     To retrieve this file: GET COOK PRV2N1

The Public-Access Computer Systems Review is an electronic
journal.  It is sent free of charge to participants of the
Public-Access Computer Systems Forum (PACS-L), a computer
conference on BITNET.  To join PACS-L, send an electronic mail
message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 that says: SUBSCRIBE PACS-L First
Name Last Name.

The Public-Access Computer Systems Review is Copyright (C) 1991
by the University Libraries, University of Houston, University
Park.  All Rights Reserved.

Copying is permitted for noncommercial use by computer
conferences, individual scholars, and libraries.  Libraries are
authorized to add the journal to their collection, in electronic
or printed form, at no charge.  This message must appear on all
copied material.  All commercial use requires permission.