Serials Union Listing and MARC Holdings GMCMILLA@VTVM1.BITNET 30 Jul 1991 00:34 UTC

 University Libraries at Virginia Tech is working with OCLC to test extracting
 data and tape loading USMARC holdings from our VTLS system into the OCLC union
 list of serials. Having spent over five years creating MARC holdings records
 it just doesn't make sense to manually enter the data again into yet another
 system. If such a load into OCLC is possible then the remifications are are
 reaching--the reverse procedure should work to extract information from the
 union list to create MARC holdings records.   Why should it work?

 What follows is a chart that shows data from the MARC holdings format that
 should be loaded into the OCLC union list.  Unfortunately, the delimiters
 did not upload from the WordPerfect file but I think it shows the corelation
 between The Format and the Union List information.

                                Conversion Matrix

 OCLC Union List of Serials                      USMARC Holdings Format

                          DATA AREAS AND DATA ELEMENTS

 LDR heading       SERIAL IDENTIFICATION DATA    004, 010, 014, 020,022,
                                                 023, 024, 027, 030
                                                 [OCLC number from bib?]

                   LOCATION CODES

 SIHD a            Institution code              852 a
 Hld lib:                                        �default VPI at load?�

 Copy:             Copy identifier               852 t p
                                                 853-855 t
                                                 863-865 t p

 CLNO a            Call number                   852 h - m
                                                 �VTLS 050, 090, 099�

                   GENERAL HOLDINGS

 SIHD/SCHD d       Date of report                008/26-31

 SIHD/SCHD g       Completeness codes            008/16  Comp:
   0 = unknown                                   0 = unknown
   0 = not applicable                            4 = not applicable
   1 = complete                                  1 = complete
   2 = incomplete                                2 = incomplete
   3 = sparse                                    3 = scattered

 SIHD/SCHD e       Acquisitions status           008/06  Acq stat:
   0 = unknown           codes                   0 = unknown
       not applicable                            1 = other
                                                 2 = complete
                                                 3 = on order
   4 = currently received                        4 = currently rec'd
   5 = not curently received                     5 = not currently rec'd

 SIHD/SCHD f       Nonretention/Retention        008/12  Gen ret:
   0 = unknown          policy codes             0 = unknown
       not applicable                            1 = other
                                                 2 = retain/updates replace
                                                 3 = retain sample issues
                                                 4 = retain/microform replac
                                                 5 = retain/cumula's replace
   6 = limited retention                         6 = limited retention
                                                   �see Spec ret:008/13-15�
   7 = not retained                              7 = not retained
                                                 8 = permanently retained
  [blank] = permanently retained

 SIHD/SCHD n       Local notes                   852 x z
                                                 863-868 x z
                                                 866-868 a

 �Retention policy notes�                        008/13-15  Spec ret:
                                                   /13 = policy type
                                                       l = latest
                                                       p = previous
                                                   /14 = number of units
                                                   /15 = unit type
                                                       m = month
                                                       w = week
                                                       y = year
                                                       e = edition
                                                       i = issue
                                                       s = supplement

 �Access restrictions notes�                     008/20  Lending policy
                                                       a = will lend
                                                       b = won't lend
                                                        = unknown
                                                 008/21  Reproduction policy
                                                       a = will repro.
                                                       b = won't repro.
                                                        = unknown

 �Notes re physical condition�

 �Notes re physical medium�                      852 q
                                                 863-865 q
                                                   4 = retained until
                                                       replaced by microform

                         HOLDINGS DATA
 SIHD/SCHD  v            Enumeration             combine:  853-855 a - h
                                                    with:  863-865 a - h

 SIHD/SCHD  y            Chronology              combine:  853-855  i - m
                                                    with:  863-865  i - m

 SIHD/SCHD  v - y        Enumeration and
                         chronology              866-868 a

 SIHD = summary holdings statement for all copies
 SCHD = Summary holdings statement for copy

 Gail McMillan, Serials/Maintenance Team Leader (gmcmilla @
 University Libraries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University