Something on the odd nature of e-lists
Kathryn Wright <LIBKAT@INDST.BITNET> 17 Jul 1991 18:52 UTC
I guess this is a plea that if you see something of interest to other people on
other discussion lists on one list, that you forward it on to the appropriate
lists. I hope Ms. Wright isn't advocating a FCC for discussion lists when
she mentions "uncontrolled discussion lists", but rather the fact that an
up-to-date list of discussion groups and topics discussed is very difficult
to maintain. Perhaps a publishing/commercial opportunity for some
enterprising people. (Apparently some universities have people whose job
is to read and route electronic conference/bulletin board/list messages
to people or topical distribution files--ALA 1991 ALCTS Role of the
Professional--Keeping up--is it possible?)
Pam Deemer
Emory U. Law Library, Atlanta GA
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Date: Tue, 16 Jul 91 21:22:22 EST
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"<Pam Deemer>" <LIBPED@EMUVM1.BITNET>,
Just an observation relative to electronic discussion groups that indicates
their unique nature.
Currently two discussions are in progress on AUTOCAT that are also being
carried on on other lists: the question of citing and archiving electronic
forums and journals is also on ARACHNET (A Loose Association of Electronic
Discussion Groups and Electronic Journals of Interest to Scholars; Dan Lester,
as a multi-listowner, is a member), and the discussion of raising dusty
problems in cataloging older books was raised on NOTRBCAT by a nonmember
who, I trust, is getting the benefit of NOTRBCAT responses through a colleague
who is a member. At the moment I'm trying to retrieve the AUTOCAT log for July
to determine whether the discussion actually started here.
Besides pointing out the ease with which a single discussion can weave around
among more than one forum, with some of the same participants in each, this
situation also reminds us that topics of valid concern to a much wider
potential constitutency tend to arise in various forums. Questions of
copyright in the electronic discussion medium have been worked over on
HUMANIST, LSTOWN-L, and ARACHNET, to my knowledge, and this is only one small
example. Where is the organization and the indexing of this information?
Various paths present themselves. It's good for the library community to begin
concerning itself with issues involving the networks. But AUTOCAT is only part
of the library community. And the library community is only part of the popu-
lation that should be concerned. The formation of discussion groups is
essentially uncontrolled.
Kathryn Wright
Indiana State University