Thank you to all who responded to our query about open vs. closed stacks
for periodicals. We received eight very helpful responses, which are
summarized below:
1. Do you have open or closed stacks?
7 responded "open"
1 responded that they do not have periodical stacks, but the
serials are integrated with the books in the regular stacks
2. How many periodical assistants (student or otherwise) do you have to
do shelving and maintenance?
Most libraries rely on student assistants for this, with some
additional time put in by regular staff during busy periods.
Some comments from responses:
Student help of 65 hours/week maintains 3,000 titles
Students for periodicals shelve current issues, regular
shelvers for the library take care of the bound volumes
In Fall/Winter sessions, 35 hours/week of student help
maintains 22,000 issues/month. During Spring/Summer
sessions, 25 hours/week of student help is needed.
3. How do you handle current issues (are they shelved separately, or kept
with their titles?
7 responded that current issues are shelved separately
1 responded that most are kept with their titles
4. If you have open stacks, have you noticed more missing issues with
open stacks?
Most respondents had never had closed stacks, so the comments
referred only to their experiences with open stacks. One
library reported that it was no more of a problem with open stacks
than with closed.
Another library said that theft was no major problem, and all
of their issues are protected by security strips.
3 libraries felt that theft and damaged issues were a problem.
In one library, the issues were not actually stolen, but rather
left in different locations throughout the library, resulting in
"temporarily" missing issues.
Two libraries gave statistics:
2-3 replacements needed per month for unbound issues, or a loss
of 24 to 36 issues per year from a collection of 6,000 titles.
They almost never lose bound titles.
Another library reported claiming 2-4 issues per week as missing.
5. If you have open stacks, do you wish that you had closed stacks again?
As noted above, most respondents had never had closed stacks,
but only one library said "sometimes" in response to this question.
Some comments:
One library said that it took more resources to have a staffed
current titles area.
Another wished for a staffed service desk for their current
titles (allow patrons to come in and browse, but restrict
the material to in-room use)
Another said that the "serendipity that results from open
access is worth it."
Another pointed out that patrons like open stacks, and it
takes less staffing to accomplish.
Once again, thanks to all. Our library has not yet made any decisions
on change, but are mulling over the research.
Ann M. Tenglund
Coordinator of Library Computer Services
Friedsam Memorial Library and Resource Center
St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY 14778
INTERNET: VOICE: (716) 375-2378 FAX: (716) 375-2389