File Sent of List of Meetings October Ivins 20 Jun 1991 17:07 UTC

Well, if it worked I have gained a new skill-- so many of you requested
electronic transmission of the ALCTS SS List of Meetings of Interest to
Serials Acquisitions Librarians that I had to learn how to upload and
send files.  I have never done this before, so I sure hope it worked!!
  Two caveats-- I had to abbreviate names a lot to get it to fit (the
laser printed version is much more elegant).  If anything is too cryptic,
please ask me for the full name.
  Secondly, there are always changes and cancellations after the May list
is sent out.  *Please* be careful to check the final program and COGNOTES
for them.
See you in Atlanta!
-- October Ivins, LSU Libraries