(no subject) OKERSON@UMDC.BITNET 13 Jun 1991 00:14 UTC

For Immediate Release:  June 13, 1991

Association of Research Libraries
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20036

For Further Information Contact:
Ann Okerson
(202) 232-2466 (voice)
(202) 462-7849 (fax)

ARL Directory to Meet Need for Catalog of Electronic

        Responding to the library and academic communitiesU
increasing use of and interest in the burgeoning number of
electronic publications, the Association of Research Libraries
will publish a hard-copy Directory of Electronic Journals,
Newsletters, and Scholarly Discussion Lists.

        With the emergence of microcomputers and linked networks as
vehicles for scholarly exchange, the problem of how and where to
find various academic forums has risen.  Although many journals,
newsletters, and scholarly lists may be accessed free of charge
through Bitnet, Internet, and affiliated academic networks, it is
not always a simple chore to find out what is available.   The
Directory is a compilation of entries for over 500 scholarly
lists, about 30 journals, over 60 newsletters, and 15 "other"
titles including some newsletter-digests.  The directory will give
specific instructions for access to each publication.  The
objective is to assist the user in finding relevant publications
and connecting to them quickly,  even if not completely versed in
the full range of user-access systems.

        Content editor of the journals/newsletters section is Michael
Strangelove, Network Research Facilitator, University of Ottawa.
Editor of the scholarly discussion lists/interest groups is Diane
Kovacs of the Kent State University Libraries.   The printed ARL
directory is derived from widely accessible networked files
maintained by Strangelove and Kovacs.  The directory will point to
these as the principal, continuously updated, and free-of-charge
sources for accessing such materials.

        The publication will be available to ARL member libraries for
$10 and to non-members for $20 (add $5 postage per directory for
foreign addresses).   Orders of 6 or more copies receive a 10%
discount.  The Directory will be produced in 8 1/2 by 11S paper-
bound format; scholarly lists will be grouped by broad subject
areas, and journals and newsletters in alphabetical order.  All
orders must be PREPAID and sent to the Association of Research
Libraries.  A publication date of July 8 is expected.   Updated
editions are planned.

        The Association of Research Libraries is a not-for-profit
organization representing 119 research libraries in the United
States and Canada.  Its mission is to identify and influence
forces affecting the future of research libraries in the process
of scholarly communication.  ARL programs and services promote
equitable access to, and effective use of recorded knowledge in
support of teaching, research, scholarship, and community service.
These programs include annual statistical publications, federal
relations and information policy, and enhancing access to
scholarly information resources through telecommunications,
collection development, preservation, and bibliographic control.

        The ARL Office of Management Services (OMS) provides
consulting, information and training in the management of human
and material resources in libraries.  The Office of Scientific and
Academic Publishing works to identify and influence the forces
affecting the production, dissemination, and use of scholarly and
scientific information.  The Coalition for Networked Information
(CNI), formed by ARL, CAUSE, and EDUCOM, promotes projects and
linkages for the provision of information resources on existing
and future telecommunications networks.

        The following order form is provided for your convenience.
Feel free to print it and attach it to your check or money order,
payable to ARL.  U.S. Dollars only.  ALL ORDERS MUST BE PREPAID.

Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing
Association of Research Libraries
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC  20036    USA





Number of Copies _________  Amount Enclosed _____________