Re: Change in Cataloguing Treatment : Monograph to Serial TSANDERS@AUDUCVAX.BITNET 30 May 1991 19:32 UTC

I think leaving the earlier volumes as monographs is a case of save time now
and buy trouble later.  (Actually, on NOTIS, it doesn't take that long to
delete a record.)

Having spent ca20 years resolving problems of retrieval and access, problems
often caused by eariler decisions based on expediency, I would hate to see
someone intentionally creating such problems for future serials librarians
to cope with.

I think library users should be able to expect the library will do everything
possible to make it easier for the users to locate what is wanted, and as
little as possible that will be confusing or irritating.

Thomas Sanders, Serials, Auburn University, AL (tsanders@auducvax)