In regard to T. Sanders' complaint about publishers' practice of bundling all
copies of an issue for a given state together: I've been briefly responsible
for the mailing of a little publication with a second-class mailing permit, and
this is part of the required procedure for mailing something that way. You
bundle within the same zip code if you have enough in that zip code, then in a
slightly larger area if you have enough for that, and so on. If you have a
certain number of issues for one state, but not enough that you can break them
into smaller bundles, then you put all of the state's copies in one bundle. I
don't know if this is also true for publications with much larger circulations.
I couldn't tell if you were blaming this phenomenon on the publishers or not,
so I thought I'd contribute the little that I know.
/ Pete Wilson / Bitnet: /
/ Serials Librarian / WILSONJP@VUCTRVAX /
/ General Technical Services / Internet: /
/ Vanderbilt University / wilsonjp@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu /
/ Nashville, Tennessee 37240 / Phone: (615) 322 - 2409 /