Some thoughts in response to the mailing wrapper questions posed by Steve
Murden (Va. Commonwealth Univ.):
1. Currently, we sort for recycling computer printout paper, other paper
(such as dup invoices, ads, and stationery) with only black inks, and
newsprint (mainly issues of the campus newspaper). While we sort, retain, &
reuse Jiffy bags, manila & other envelopes, microform boxes, and other such
receptacles, I would not be in favor of using serials staff time and re-
sources for any further detailed recycling sorts thru all the differenct
types of mailing devices in which materials are received.
2. Periodicals that are mailed in flimsy paper envelopes or with only a
label affixed to one of the outside covers are extremely vulnerable to damage
in transit, which ultimately necessitates claims for replacement issues.
(Haven't we all seen the envelopes that arrive empty and in shreds, with
that oh-so-helpful label and "explanatory" note affixed by the USPS, or
those with tire tracks, mud stains, and footprints running across them?)
Serialists complained for years about periodicals not being encased in
some sort of protective wrappers, which resulted in...
3. Shrink wrap! -- not anyone's favorite environmentally, but it saves on
in-transit damage, and I think it was looked upon by publishers as a fast,
economical way to counteract damage in transit.
4. The European-type paperboard mailing wrappers are not that much more
difficult or time-consuming to open than shrink wrap, and they certainly
provide much-needed protection.
5. No one needs to be reminded that anything that causes the overall cost
of a journal to increase, like changes in packaging, will also result in
increased subscription costs. Packaging is a whole industry unto itself,
and I am not convinced that lobbying publishers about packaging will bring
us any substantial savings while we're simultaneously exerting pressure on
them to publish less and bring subscription prices down.
E. Gaele Gillespie/Asst. Head, Serials University of Kansas Libraries
(913)864-3535 GGILLESP@UKANVM.BITNET Lawrence, Kansas 66045-2800