Display units for serials
M-AXTM@UMINN1.BITNET 09 May 1991 19:28 UTC
I had hinged display units for periodicals in a small special library setting,
and I do not recommend them for a library of any size. They take up more
space, and the loose issues underneath never stay in any kind of order. It's
messy and hard to manage. Plus the "attractive" display is often just a blank
shelf, as readers tend to take the most current issue and sit down with it.
Keeping the issues shelved and in some kind of order is very difficult. If you
don't keep control over it, however, then bindery collection is a problem. You
will spend a lot of time on housekeeping if you go this way.
Margaret Maes Axtmann Phone: 612-625-4301
Assistant Director for Technical Services Fax: 612-625-3478
University of Minnesota BITNET: M-AXTM@UMINN1
Law Library INTERNET: M-AXTM@vm1.spcs.umn.edu