ALA Pre-Conference on Negotiating with Subscription Agencies
sami klein 03 May 1991 19:08 UTC
I am not on this list, but was asked to pass on the following notice. This is
my first attempt in trying to send a file (which is in ASCII) and so I
hope it isn't too messed up.
Sami Klein
Gaithersburg, MD
"Well worth the invest-
ment. You'll make it
back each year."
Robert L. Houbeck, Uni. of Michigan
"A management tool!
Techniques we can use
every day."
Joe Ann Clifton, Litton Industries
"... the seminar was very
useful. I felt empowered
and have since success-
fully negotiated for a
reduced service charge"
October Ivins in Serials Review
Friday, 28 June, 1991, 9:00 - 5:00.
Marriott Marquis Hotel, 265 Peachtree Center
Avenue, Atlanta, Georgia
A one-day seminar on techniques and opportun-
ities for libraries and information centers
to improve service and negotiate ongoing
savings with subscription agencies and other
serial suppliers.
The Marketplace: Publishers Need Libraries
Libraries: the $1 billion + market
Agencies: the companies; market share; ma
rketing strategies;
agency consolidation; other serial vendo
The Subscription Agency Business: Agencies
Need Libraries
Revenue sources: publisher discounts; ser
vice fees; foreign
exchange conversion; money management.
Costs: payments to publishers; automation
; risk; research
and development.
Business practices: margins; efficiency;
profit objectives;
cost assignment; image.
Service charges: how they are calculated
and assigned to
The future: unbundling; monitoring servic
Techniques To Improve Service:
Service requirements
Performance criteria
Negotiating With Agencies and Other Serial
Strategies: how and where to begin; win-w
in; vendor
Opportunities: account "clout"; collectio
n profile; service
usage; single or multiple vendors; perio
d of service.
Objectives: dollar savings and service im
N. Bernard "Buzzy" Basch, formerly President
of Turner Subscriptions and Vice President at
EBSCO and Faxon. Author of Buying Serials.
Registration fee: $295.00 (includes lunch).
Forward registration and payment to:
Basch Associates
860 North Lake Shore Drive
Suite 7J
Chicago, IL 60611
Phone: (312) 787-6885 Fax: (312) 943-0025
Please register before 20 June, 1991.