510 field display Suzanne Sweeney 08 Apr 1991 21:30 UTC

For many years, the J. Hugh Jackson Library, Graduate School
of Business, Stanford University, has painstakingly added
information about indexing to our periodical records.  This
includes both our current "Periodicals Catalog" (a computer
generated book catalog with holdings--non-MARC format) and
our RLIN cataloged periodicals.  As we are now converting
our periodicals in RLIN, we add 510s for indexes listed in
our Periodicals Catalog and delete those 510s that we do not
have.  (In the past we even tracked which years where
indexed.)  Each year as new index volumes are received the
list of periodicals indexed is scanned so information about
"new" titles indexed can be added to our records, as needed.

With staff changes and the constraints of time, this
practice has been debated.  Our decision was that the
information often is useful to our patrons and provided a
quicker way to check indexing for our titles than standard
tools.  It is surprising how often a patron remembers
reading an article in a given journal, but lacks a citation.

We probably do more "customizing" of our records than most

Suzanne Sweeney
Head Cataloging Librarian
J. Hugh Jackson Library
Graduate School of Business
Stanford University