The following title recently came to my attention. Because of the
high price for volume 66 I thought I should give it closer attention to
consider if we need to continue our standing order. I thought I
would share this information with others who may be interested. As
a result of what I found I will probably recommend it for
World review of nutrition and dietetics. Basel; New York: S. Karger,
Volume Year Price
66 1991 $398.50
65 1991 $146.50
64 1991 $157.00
63 1990 $145.80
62 1990 $129.60
61 1990 $118.80
60 1989 $150.10
59 1989 $123.70
58 1989 $ 88.90
57 1988 $178.20
56 1988 $134.50
SCI Impact Factor
Year i.f.
1988 not listed
1987 not listed
1986 not listed
1985 not listed
1984 not listed
1983 0.76
1982 0.69
1981 not listed
From: Daniel Jones
Briscoe Library - UTHSCSA
San Antonio, Texas
(512) 567-2400