Re: Current issue shelving question TSANDERS@AUDUCVAX.BITNET 25 Mar 1991 14:13 UTC

I do not believe there is a magic short cut to classifying your serials,
although it will be somewhat easier if you are going to continue keeping them
in a separate periodicals room than if you are going to try to integrate them
into your normal collection--there will still be a great deal of shifting but
it will be restricted to the one collection.

Presumably many of your bibliographic records already include LC-assigned
numbers and you can determine how many physical volumes go with each call
number.  I would begin adding these numbers as workflow allowed, and certainly
for new titles, but continue to shelve alphabetically until the labelling was
essentially complete.  This will take some time, depending on available
staff and funds for extra student or steno pool help, but should prove the
least disruptive.

Thomas Sanders, Serials, Auburn University, AL (tsanders@auducvax)