Several people have asked about how 780s and 785s will display in version
5.0 of NOTIS. Our serials cataloguer, Shirley Coleman, and I wanted to
reassure you all that NOTIS 5.0 can display the appropriate print constants
(or really, anything you want) for these tags. In defining your OPAC
record displays, you specify a label, then specify the tags you want to
display following that label. For each tag, you can specify which indicator
values you want to display under this label, and exactly which subfields
you want to display. A given tag can be included under any number of labels.
In our 5.0 OPAC, there are two views, the brief view and the long view.
In our brief view, we use the label "Continues (see LONG view for details)"
for all 780s and the label, "Continued by (see LONG view for details)" for
all 785s (or is it the other way around?). In the long view, we use the
specific print constants, based on the value of the second indicator.
Any of you that have access to the Internet are welcome to connect to our
OPAC and see first-hand how NOTIS 5.0 works. It is also possible to dial
in to the OPAC. On the Internet, use the command, "telnet"
(from an IBM machine) or "tn3270" (from a non-IBM machine).
You don't need a login or password to use the OPAC. The number for dial-up
is (317) 496-2000 (even parity, 7 data bits, 1 stop bit, XON/XOFF enabled).
If you have trouble, contact the THOR Help Desk at (317) 494-2857. I am
also willing to answer questions about our catalog and our local set-up.
THe Online Resource
--Alan Alexander-Manifold TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Systems Implementation Manager T //
Purdue University Libraries T H H OOO RRR
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 T HHH//O O RRR
(317) 494-2857 T H/H OOO R R
libsys@purccvm \\