Please distribute the following message to all persons who may be interested: This is an invitation to participate to training activities and courses organised during the 3-month period 2 September 1991 - 29 November 1991 in Brussels, BELGIUM: MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ( M I S T ) with an emphasis on information related to water and the environment Approved by: the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) Sponsored by: the Belgian General Administration of Cooperation for Development (ABOS) and by the Unesco International Hydrological Programme (IHP) COSTS: - Free of charge(!) for participants from developing countries. - Others pay a fee for the right to participate during the whole period (30,000 Belgian Francs = about 1000 US$) or to particular items selected from the programme. (1000 Belgian Francs per day = about 30 US$) The following text is an electronic mail version of a leaflet which we can send on request. CONTACT: Tel. ++32-2-641 24 29 (preferably first half of the week), Fax ++32-2-641 22 82, Telex 61051 vubco-b, E-mail (Internet): PNIEUWEN@RC1.VUB.AC.BE Mail: P. Nieuwenhuysen or P. Vanouplines MIST University Library 318B Free University Brussels Pleinlaan 2 B - 1050 Brussels BELGIUM COURSE CONTENTS: (Theory - seminars - individual work - ...) - Introduction to the Unesco International Hydrological Programme. - Orientation tour of the University Library. - Orientation tour of the Laboratory of Hydrology. - Introduction to microcomputer systems (software and hardware). - Microcomputer operating systems. - The flow of information. - Text editing, word processing, and presentation of information. - Bibliographic descriptions. - Exchanging bibliographic data. - Subject classification schemes; thesauri; ... - Telematics. - Online information retrieval. - CD-ROM. - Bibliographic databases related to water and the environment. - Downloading of information. - Software packages for local storage and retrieval of bibliographic information, including the Unesco Micro - CDS/ISIS package. - Bibliometrics-informetrics and quantitative methods in information science. - Library automation. - Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs). - Interlibrary lending and cooperation. - Document collection development. - Information networks, electronic mail, computer mediated communication. - Marketing of information and documentation. - ... STUDY VISITS: - International Reference Centre (IRC) for Water Supply and Sanitation (The Hague - The Netherlands). - Library of the University of Antwerp. - Information service of the Geology Department of the Royal Museum on Africa in Tervuren near Brussels. - ... PERSONAL PROJECT: Related to the trainee's personal interest, based on the newly acquired knowledge. LOCATION: The training is mainly organized at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), close to the rich cultural city of Brussels, Belgium. The participants will have the opportunity to participate also free of charge to the 2-day 3rd International Seminar on the Management of Information Related to Water and the Environment, also in Brussels, November 1991, organised in the framework of the Unesco IHP. Previous seminars were organised in London, England (1989) and in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia (1990). LANGUAGE USED: English. TARGET AUDIENCE and GRANTS: - 15 grants can be awarded for travel and accommodation by the Belgian General Administration of Cooperation for Development (ABOS) to participants from developing countries. - Participants from other countries can also be accepted for the whole period or for selected activities. AIMS: - To stimulate the use of internationally available information systems (Which systems are available and how to use them?). - To stimulate the development of local and national information and documentation systems (How to develop a document collection? How to build a bibliographic data base?). CONTRIBUTORS: Information-experts, librarians and engineers from Belgium, The Netherlands, England, Yugoslavia and Unesco. HOUSING will be provided on the campus or close to the university. ORGANIZERS: - Dr. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, Science and Technology Librarian, and Head of Information and Documentation - Frank Provost, hydrologist, information specialist - Patrick Vanouplines, hydrologist, course assistant and secretariat. Participants will obtain a certificate at the end of their training. The Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB): The university campus is located just outside the centre of the city, and can easily be reached by Metro (subway). tram and bus. The UNIVERSITY LIBRARY offers - more than 200,000 books and 3000 journals - CD-ROM facilities - access to external databanks and networks - the computerized library information management system VUBIS - advice on hard- and software - for word processing - communication via networks - storage and retrieval of structured textual information - etc. ... Candidates should request a "Registration form" as soon as possible!