Re: Sunday express Lucy Barron 29 Mar 1991 14:22 UTC

This is in reply to the gentleman's request regarding the Trinidad and Tobago
newspaper.  Sorry, I don't have any bibliographic info. for you.  I do have a
suggestion of how you could catalog the title which will take of the problem
of not getting the dailies.

First you should find out the name of the daily (you should be able to find out
from the people to whom you're paying for the subscription).

In cataloging the title, I would use the regular title, then add a 250 "Sunday
express" or whatever it says.  In the 310 I would put weekly; and in the 362 I
would put ONLY THE DATES.  In a 515 field I would put a note saying something
to the effect of "Vols. for <Mar. 31, 1991-> called also <v. xx, whole no. xx->
which "fits into the v. numbering of the dailies" (this needs a little work in
order to sound a little more elegant).

The point of all the above is that you won't need to worry about the gaps in
your collection by not receiving the dailies.  If you get 52 Sundays in a row
on year, then that year can be entered as complete on your holdings record.

However, before doing this, it might be good just to make sure that you never
plan to get the dailies or it might be a pain to undo.

Hope this helps a little.

Lucy Barron
Washington University