Re: Elsevier purchases Pergamon
Peter Scott/Order Unit Manager/U of Saskatchewan Library/6016 29 Mar 1991 04:51 UTC
Ann Okerson writes:
>Chicago, Il. In case this has notalready been posted on many other
>lists. Today, several sources announced the purchase of Pergamon journals
>and books by Elsevier.
This will, no doubt, stir up a lot of heat of SERIALST. My immediate
reaction is to ask when we will see the first million-dollar
subscription? Or is that being too pessimistic?
| Peter Scott . Phone: 306-966-6016 |
| Order Unit Manager . FAX: 306-966-6040 |
| Univ of Saskatchewan Libraries . |
| Saskatoon . Internet: SCOTT@SKLIB.USASK.CA |
| Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OWO . |