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okerson@NSSDCA.SPAN.NASA.GOV 20 Feb 1991 14:00 UTC
From: NCF::OKERSON 19-FEB-1991 23:56:26.34
To: EAST::"<>"
Subj: RE:
The "good article" did appear in February 8th, 1991 issue of PW. I believe
it is on pp. 36-37. It's co-authored by Kendon Stubbs, Associate Librarian
at the University of Virginia. He's the ARL statistical guru and did the
two charts. I'm the other author. We've had many responses from the
publishing community. I believe the article states succinctly, without
finger-pointing or asigning blame, precisely what the library financial
situation is at this time and what the appropriate solution avenues should
be. If you can't find a copy, contact us.
Ann Okerson
Office of Scientific and Academic Publishing
Association of Research libraries
1527 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20036
202-232-8656, phone