In answer to John Saylor's query as to whether Apple computer journals were
being permanently retained:
Dartmouth is a longstanding user of Apple/MacIntosh computers, and has a
fairly good collection relating to them. These are our cataloged serials with
subject headings for the Apple or MacIntosh. We have all issues of at least
Title: *Apple* Library Users Group newsletter
Title: The book of *apple computer* software
Title: Icon review catalog
Title: The *macintosh* buyer's guide
Title: *Macintosh* owners special ; An update on the
Dartmouth*-macintosh* package
Title: *Macintosh* ... product registry
Other Ti: Product registry.
Title: Macuser
Other Ti: Mac user.
Title: Macworld : The *macintosh* magazine
Other Ti: *Macintosh* magazine.
Title: Time-life access/ *Apple*
Other Ti: Time life access. *Apple.*
Other Ti: *Apple.*
Title: Wheels for the mind
Other Ti: *Apple macintosh* wheels for the mind.
Earlier Ti: Macintosh weels for the mind.
Carol Magenau, Serials Librarian, Dartmouth College Library