Re: NST/CASSI reporting TSANDERS@AUDUCVAX.BITNET 07 Feb 1991 22:43 UTC

We could never get NST to accept a card, so we have been hand-typing on
the forms NST provides.  If they would accept a card, we could produce
one using the NOTIS program which we use to produce a shelf-list card.
(We haven't produced and filed cards into the catalog since Dec. 1984
but we are committed to maintaining a card-based shelf-list.)

CASSI has been willing to accept a print-out of the NOTIS BIBL screen and
I imagine that means any comparable MARC record would be accepted.  Why
not look at what would fit most logically with your workflow and just ask
them if they will accept it?  An RLIN print-out might be just as good.

I keep feeling that it would make much more sense for both NST and CASSI
to derive this information directly from OCLC/RLIN/etc., although this
would involve contract negotiations and result in some loss of data.

Thomas Sanders, Serials, Auburn University