Info. About NASIG Birdie MacLennan 30 Jan 1991 14:12 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

With apologies to those who don't remember every acronym in the library
universe.  NASIG is the North American Serials Interest Group.  In our
6th year of existence, we have grown to close to 1,000 "serialists," that
is, members representing the "serials information chain."  Largely lib-
rarians (cataloguers, acquisitions, collections, systems people), we
include also serial publishers, vendors, binders, dealers, etc.  Member-
ship is $20 per year.  We are completely not-for-profit and do not
accept donations or funds from any organizations or individuals.

Anyone interested is welcome to join and receive our newsletter.  The
conferences are generally held at pleasant college campuses for low cost.
Registration, which this year will be around $250, includes the program,
workshops, social events, meals, dormitory accommodation.  We welcome
your participation and attendance.  This year we will probably have an
attendance of about 400 -- intimate enough for conversations and net-

Our 7th annual conference plans tentatively plan for a NASIG/SSP overlapping
meeting (that is the Society for Scholarly Publishing) with serious
considerations of the changing nature of scholarly communications.  This
will probably happen in June 1992 in Chicago.

NASIG 1991 Program Committee members are Cindy Hepfer, SUNY Buffalo &
Editor, Serials Review; October Ivins, Head of Serials Services at LSU;
Ann Okerson, ARL, and vice-president/president elect of NASIG.  Please
feel free to contact any of us or Mary Beth Clack, Serial Records at
Harvard/Widener Library, NASIG president -- for further information or
suggestions.  Thank you.