Re: 853 fields in MARC holdings format
MLI@ZODIAC.BITNET 09 Jan 1991 18:08 UTC
Happy New Year. I hope to reach you before you are heading for Chicago.
Please come to the RECON Discussion Group Meeting on 1/13/91 from 2:00-
4:00 p.m. The name of our meeting room should be available at the program.
We hope to hear from you more on this matter (MARC holding format) and
brainstorm on topics to be discussed in the coming years. The joint
meeting with the MARC Holding Group at Atlanta in 1991 is decided. You
are one of our proposed speakers. Please bring a short vitae of yours
and your proposed title when we meet in Chicago. Thank you.
--- Marjorie H. Li---
RECON Discussion Group ALCTS co-chair