Thomas Sanders at Auburn has enquired about tracing series and written pro-
At Emory, we have had to develop increasingly specific written procedures to
accomodate the needs of our system (DOBIS).
In the past, our practice was to class together and analyze (i.e. also make
individual catalog records for the monograph title) series if that how LC
handled that series, trace the series and class it separately if that was LC
practice, or not trace it all if LC didn't.
However, DOBIS, picks up all series from all series fields, including 490 0,
so for all intents and purposes, we now trace all series. We also now class
practically all monographic series separately, and only in extremely rare
cases set up a classed together and analyzed series. (This latter change also
is a result of DOBIS which is unable to link one physical item with more than
1 bibliographic record.)
We maintain a local Series Authority File (still manual at this point). Cata-
logers first check it to see if the series has already been established. If
the series is not found, they then check the series in the Name Authority File
via OCLC. They also check our local Serials Catalog to be sure the series had
not already been established as classed together. (Classed together series
were not originally included in our Series Authority File).
In brief, if the series is new to the library and has been located in the NAF,
that form is used and a record is added to our Series Authority File. If the
series is not found in the NAF, the cataloger establishes it for our SAF in
AACR2 form. All 490 0 coding is changed to 440 with the correct filing indi-
cator. We have other editing instructions relating to deleting "half-title,"
"His", etc. from older records, converting 400 series to 490 1 plus 800 fields,
modifying 490 1 series with corresponding 810 or 811 fields to 490 1 with
830 fields, etc. The basic principle is to follow AACR2 rules.
The series work is definitely more complex because of the fact that cataloging
rules have changed over the years coupled with our own system's mechanisms.
Linda Visk
Head, Serials Control Dept.,
General Libraries, Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322
(404) 727-0121 Bitnet: LIBRLV@EMUVM1