conflict in ISSN TSANDERS@AUDUCVAX.BITNET 28 Nov 1990 15:18 UTC

We are a NOTIS library installing MDAS, a system which allows online
search of locallyloaded periodical indexes (e.g. Wilson) and which connects the
   index entries to OPAC entries using an ISSN "hook".  We have encountered a
problem with changes in titles which were once considered title changes
under rule interpretations in effect at the time but which, under current rule i
   nterpretations are not considered title changes.  The specific title which
came to our attention was Chemical Engineering Progress, which changed to
CEP, chemical engineering progress and back to Chemical Engineering Progress,
resulting in three entries.  CEP was assigned a separate ISSN from the
earlier title.  In using the MDAS hook, we found a reference to the current
entry (Chemical engineering ...) brought up the OPAC entry for CEP.  Checking
on OCLC, we found that NSD/LC had recataloged the entire set under the
current rule interpretations as a single entry and the ISSN assigned to CEP
was the currently valid ISSN for the entire run.  Does anyone have a list
of problem titles where this may occur, or a good way to isolate these
potential problems? We knw that we will hear about some of these through
the reference librarians but fear a number of patrons may just go away unsatisfi
   ed (especially dial-in users).  My feeling is that there should be a very
limited number of titles in which these sorts of changes have taken place
but I assume it will involve changes after the 5th word, etc.

Thomas Sanders
Head, Serials Department
Auburn University