Bar Wars CAROLYN KACENA 15 Nov 1990 19:38 UTC

                            BAR(coding) WARS
                   by William Walker, Music Cataloger
                      Southern Methodist University

A long time ago in a library far, far away . . .

     PONI, after many dark years of MANUAL EMPIRE, has begun to win the
battle for automation.  Luke Stackwalker, and the Armies of PONI, strong
in the BIBLIOFORCE, incapacitated the Manual Empire's evil weapon, CARD
CATALOG in the Battle of NOTIS.  Later, PONI established a firm toe hold
on the planet ACQUISITIONS.  But CARD VADER, strong in the *Dark Side*
of the Biblioforce, remains intent in crushing the PONI forces under the
weight of Manual Systems.  One last great battle must be won if the
Manual Empire is to be subdued forever:  Card Vader, in a last desparate
attempt to enslave us, has brought back MACBEE CARD, a fell weapon from
the darkest abysses of the Dark Side that enslaves innocent members of
the SMU community to many hours of drudgery.  Luke Stackwalker and the
armies of PONI, tired from years of fighting the Manual Empire, are
overwhelmed and understaffed, and cannot stand alone against such an

     Volunteers are being sought to barcode all of the books currently
housed in the SMU libraries.  Working in pairs with regular library staff,
these Stacktroopers will match books to smart barcodes and/or send prob-
lems to cataloging.  Special Forces are needed to decode foreign language
materials.  Support Forces will answer phones, Reshelve and move books
between libraries and the cataloging departments and resupply the front
lines.  If you feel up to the challenge of BAR(coding) WARS, please call
Carolyn Kacena at (214) 692-3229.

(PLUS - we're giving away THE GREAT BARCODING EXPERIENCE T-Shirts to the
      first 500 respondants.  You get it when you SHOW.)

***************   MAY THE BIBLIOFORCE BE WITH YOU!!   *******************

Tho't ya'll'd get a kick out of this.  If you're gonna be in Dallas
between the 2nd and 13th of January (including weekends) and have never
seen the *BACK SIDE* of a library, come join us.  The barcodes are just
2" X 3.5" strips of vinyl(?) that have to be stuck inside the books.
Call for more information . . .

Business as usual as usual as business usually is . . .
Carolyn Kacena, Director           {}    (214) 692-3229
Academic Support Automation        {}    (214) 692-4138 FAX
Southern Methodist University      {}    221 Perkins Admin Bldg
<VB7R1001@SMUVM1> BITNet           {}    Dallas, Texas  75275-0135