Subject: Delivery error notice sent to list SERIALST
This didn't get to the list on the first try. This is a resend.
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 90 08:51:12 CST
From: Geoff Husic <GHUSIC@UKANVM>
Subject: LCRI 21.2C Serials [Rev.]
To: SERIALST@UKANVM (this is the wrong address)
I'm annoyed by the fact that LC has stated that the presence or absence of int
roductory Serie, seriia, need not constitute a title change in UNNUMBERED serie
s only. These account for alot of my annoying title changes in Slavic languages
and Romanian, and, of couse, they often occur in a section title but not far e
nough along that I can use the "after first five words rule." Many of these, af
ter I have processed the title change, turn out to just be fluctuating title an
yway. Any thoughts?
Geoff Husic, Slavic Serials Cataloger
Watson Library, University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045
(913) 864-3535